
Acquire customers and manage risk with data products and solutions tailored for the logistics industry.

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Our Capabilities

We can help you grow your business.

Data and Insights that Drive Success

Logistics is ever-evolving and industry-specific insights are essential to help your business acquire new customers, save time, reduce costs, and mitigate risk. 

The United States and Canadian market for logistics and transportation shows that approximately 76% of the customers of logistics companies are businesses of less than 100 employees and are responsible for around 56% of the spend in the market. Smarter insights drive smarter actions and verified data is more critical than ever for any decision maker.

Our products and solutions can provide the insights you need to help your marketing and risk management programs succeed. Make better decisions and grow your logistics business by leveraging our data, technology, and expertise.

Hassle-Free Tools Tailored to Your Needs

We offer comprehensive commercial, consumer and workforce data along with specialized analytics, technology and guidance for transportation and distribution firms. Use our products and solutions to:

  • Consolidate disparate data sources to easily analyze revenue trends 

  • Quickly identify prospective customers based upon desired parameters such as spend by mode (LTL,TL,3PL, Rail), (regions, industry, size, etc.) 

  • Make more informed credit decisions while collecting money faster, lowering bad debt, and streamlining cash flow 

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What Can We Help You Do

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Learn more about the success we’ve had helping other logistics companies increase profitability and optimize business growth.
Case Study

Taking Control of Customer Data

Discover how we helped one global logistics and shipping client shorten revenue reconciliation from weeks to hours with validated business entity data.

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